Jun 5, 2012

I entered a contest...

In March I saw that the Austin Browncoats were having a contest to celebrate 10 years after Firefly began.
In case you didn't know, I think Firefly is the BEST show ever!
I even learned to knit so I could make a Jayne Hat!  I made my first attempt about a month after learning to knit, I was that determined!

There was an art portion of this contest so I decided to enter my Serenity Embroidery Hoop
When I made this hoop, I pictured Kaylee and Inara sitting by each other and making this together.  They both have different reasons for loving their Serenity and want to remember her in their own way. 

Well, I got 1st place!! YEAH! I'm so honored to have won this contest! I get some cool Firefly related items that I can't wait to get!

I've got some more Firefly inspired ideas for future Geeky Hoops to get started on soon!!!

PS I didn't get a chance to put together my week in pictures yesterday.  I looked at my pictures and realized that I didn't have a lot from last week anyways! I'll make up for it next week!!