Mar 14, 2010

Some kind of harmony is on the rise

Obviously from the number of arm warmers I have already knitted, you can tell that I really love arm warmers! I think they are just the cutest thing!  I was super excited to see Felecia Day wear them in Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. 

I recently came across a pattern to make these awesome arm warmers from the show! WOO!

Overall it was an easy pattern to follow. Making the button holes was my newest challenge.  I found this awesome video that explained that part of the pattern perfectly and really helped me with that process.  I hope it helps you if you want to make them for yourself! I am now making a black and hot pink pair for my niece!


  1. HEY! Where's my comment??? I posted one yesterday! Hmm..Well, I said something really clever about how awesome Felicia Day and Neil Patrick Harris are and how much I love these arm warmers...or something like that. :)

    I really love these arm warmers! PRETTY!!!

  2. I hate when Blogger steals comments! URG!
