Aug 6, 2012

Making a skirt for my girl

Kira has decided that she really loves skulls!!
(I need to post the pictures of skulls she keeps drawing!)
Saturday she saw this bundle of fabric at Joanns and asked if we could get it.
I gave in - I've had a long standing "no skulls" rule because I thought they were too creepy for my baby, but how can you deny skulls on pink fabric!?!?

Kira had some plans for the material that involved making pillows.
I convinced her today to make a skirt with the fabric after we looked at the skirt tutorials on Hickety Pickety and Venus de Hilo
We decided to use all of the fabric and make it into a patchwork style skirt!
This was an easy enough project that Kira could do most of the sewing on.  
Her new sewing machine from her grand-rat works great and is easy for her to use.

We had to add an extra panel of fabric because I miss calculated and it was going to be WAY small!
Thankfully we had enough extra fabric!!
I used the Hickety Pickety idea of the "no hem" skirt and loved how it turned out.  It added some length too and gave it a more polished look without me having to make a straight hem!!

We finished it in a few hours and she had a skirt right after lunch!
She LOVES it and wants to wear it on the first day of school!!!
This is Kira's favorite skull from all the fabric!!