Jan 31, 2012

Ripple blanket

Last week I decided I wanted to learn how to crochet a ripple blanket aka chevron blanket. I'm thankful for attic 24's wonderfully easy tutorials because she made it easy to learn!!

The blanket is coming along really well!! I love how the colors look together. Now I just have to decide how big to make it!!

I'll be including this blanket into my etsy shop when done! I love making blankets, so let me know if you need a custom project!


  1. Ooh--nice. I really like the calm color palette you have chosen. Yes, it is so easy and fun to ripple along. Enjoy that project!

    By the way, thanks for visiting me at Etsy and thru my blog. I appreciate it!

    1. Thanks and no problem! I love the stuff you make!!!!

  2. Great colours! I started work on one a little while ago, must finish it soon.

  3. This looks really cool! This would look great in my house. ;-)

    1. thanks Marci! I think it would look great in your house too ;)
